Multidisciplinary Team
People suffering with chronic pain often benefit from multidisciplinary care including physiotherapy and psychology. Physical exercise is very important in improving function and well being. A physiotherapist is the ideal person to advise on the correct exercises to help rehabilitation. Maintaining psychological health is also really important as chronic pain can affect your mood. Meeting a psychologist to learn techniques to help recognise and manage how your mood and thoughts can interact with your feelings can be of great help.
Dr Elizabeth Ryan
Consultant Clinical Psychologist
Jennifer Dillon
MISCP Physiotherapist and yoga teacher (Kilkenny)
Ann Ryan
Practice Manager
Tel: 056 7741167 Fax: 056-7817111
Eileen Lalor
Kilkenny Secretary
Tel: 056 7741167 Fax 056 7817111
Madge Maclaverty
Ena Butler
Pain Nurse (Dublin)