Dr Tadhg Lynch MBBCh, MRCPI, MRCS, FCARCSI, Dip.Pain Med(CAI), FIPP, FFPMCAI, is a Consultant in Anaesthesia and Pain Medicine.
He is a graduate of the National University of Ireland Galway with the degrees of Medical Bachelor and Bachelor of Surgery (MB, BCh), where he received the gold medal in medicine for first place in the final year medicine exam.
On graduating from medical school he entered general professional training in medicine, passing the professional medical postgraduate examination for the Membership of the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland (MRCPI). He then trained through the College of Anaesthetists national specialist training scheme and was awarded a Certificate of Completion of Specialist Training in Anaesthesia, Intensive Care and Pain Medicine.
While in specialist training he passed postgraduate professional exams of the Fellowship of the College of Anaesthetists of the Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland (FCARCSI), the Diploma in Intensive Care Medicine (DICM) of the Joint Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine and the Diploma in Pain Medicine (Dip Pain Med) of the College of Anaesthetists.
Dr Lynch has recently been appointed as Assistant Clinical Professor at University College Dublin.
Dr Tadhg Lynch
Specialist Interests
Interventional and multidisciplinary treatment of chronic pain.
Epidural steroid injection
Selective nerve root blocks
Nerve/ nerve plexus blocks
Facet joint injection/ blocks
Radiofrequency procedures
Spinal cord stimulation
My Pain

Dr Tadhg Lynch in Theatre
Through years of treating patients with chronic pain, I have an understanding of how each patient is a person with individual needs. Every patient is entitled to an explanation of what is causing the pain. This is called a diagnosis. Sometimes this explanation is easy to find, for example, scarring in the spine after an operation to remove a bulging disc (Failed Back Surgery Syndrome/ Post Laminectomy Syndrome). Sometimes the explanation is more difficult for example increased pain sensitivity in the nerves supplying a limb that has been injured (CRPS Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome). Or chronic widespread pain due to increased pain sensitivity (Central Sensitization and Wind Up).
A diagnosis is made with a combination of listening to a patient's story (history including medical questionnaires, referral letter and letters from other treating clinicians eg GPs, specialists, physiotherapists), physical examination and appropriate investigation.


Aut Even Hospital/ Kilkenny
11 Archers Court, Loughboy, Kilkenny R95YEF8
Tel: 056 7741167 Fax: 056 7817111
Email: practicemanager@southeastpainclinic.ie
Suite 11, Blackrock Clinic, Rock Road, Blackrock, Co Dublin
Tel: 056 7741167 Fax: 056 7817111
Email: practicemanager@southeastpainclinic.ie
Please note: All Referrals to be emailed or faxed, do not post
Suite 33, Beacon Hospital, Sandyford Ind Estate, Sandyford, Dublin 18
Tel: 056 7741167 Fax: 056 7817111
Email: practicemanager@southeastpainclinic.ie
Please note: All Referrals to be emailed or faxed, do not post

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